A NASA-funded rocket mission is headed
to space to measure the global electric
circuit underlying the northern lights.
For its second trip to space, the Aurora
Current and Electrodynamics Structures
II, or ACES II, instrument will launch
from Andøya Space in Andenes, Norway.
The launch window opens Nov. 16, 2022,
at 6 p.m. local time.
High above us, electrons from space
stream into our sky. As they wind down
Earth’s magnetic field lines, they
strike gases in our atmosphere, causing
them to glow. From the ground, observers
see effervescent ribbons of ruby and
emerald: the aurora borealis and
australis, or northern and southern
But auroras are just one part of a much
larger system. Like a lightbulb plugged
into an outlet, they are powered by a
larger electrical circuit connecting our
planet to near-Earth space.
“It's these incoming high-energy
electrons that produce the auroral
display we're familiar with, but there's
also part of the system that is unseen,”
said Scott Bounds, a physicist at the
University of Iowa and the principal
investigator for the ACES II mission.
Just as charged particles flow in, a
stream of charged particles flows from
our atmosphere back out to space.
Together, this inflow and outflow
complete a global electrical circuit
known as the auroral current.
One of the biggest mysteries about the
auroral current is what happens at the
“turnaround point,” where the inflow
ends and the outflow begins. This
turnaround is in the ionosphere, a layer
of our atmosphere that begins some 40
miles overhead and extends into space,
where charged particles and neutral
gases coexist and interact.
The ionosphere is like a bustling border
town where travelers from different
lands, unfamiliar with each other’s
customs, meet and exchange their wares.
Those arriving from above are
electrically charged particles from
space. Accustomed to the wide-open
pathways of space, they rarely collide
with one another. Their electric charge
keeps them tethered to Earth’s magnetic
field lines, which they twirl around as
they nosedive into our atmosphere or
outwards into space.
Those arriving from lower altitudes are
neutral gases from our air. They bump
through dense crowds, bouncing back and
forth hundreds of times a second.
Without an electric charge, they move
freely across magnetic field lines as
they are carried about by the wind.
In the ionosphere, these two populations
merge – colliding, combining with one
another and separating again, and
interacting in complex ways. It is a
chaotic scene. And yet, this turbulent
mixing in the ionosphere is what keeps
the auroral current churning.
To date, most studies of the auroral
current have only measured inflow and
outflow from high above the ionosphere,
making simplifying assumptions about
what’s happening below. ACES II was
designed to remedy that, taking a
“snapshot” of the complete auroral
current at one moment in time. The
strategy is to fly two rockets: a
“high-flyer” that will measure particles
flowing in and out of our atmosphere,
and a “low-flyer” that, at the same
time, will see the dynamic exchange in
the ionosphere that keeps it all
At the Andøya Space Center in Andenes,
Norway, the auroral oval – the magnetic
“ring” encircling Earth’s northern
magnetic pole within which auroras form
– passes overhead each night. Bounds and
his team will wait until the auroral
oval is overhead – their clue that the
auroral current is flowing above them.
The team will then launch the
high-flyer, aiming for a peak altitude
of about 255 miles (410 km). Its goal is
to see the streams of particles flowing
into and out of our atmosphere. Roughly
two minutes later, they will launch the
low-flyer through the lower parts of the
ionosphere, peaking at about 99 miles
(159 km). Its goal is to capture the
energy exchange happening at the
turnaround point, where inflow turns
into outflow. The trajectories of the
two rockets are aligned in space and
time, to ensure they are measuring
different parts of the same current.
Like all sounding rockets, both the
high- and low-flyer will make their
measurements and fall back to Earth a
few minutes later.
The ACES instrument has flown once
before, launching from the Poker Flat
Research Range in Fairbanks, Alaska, in
2009. There, it flew through an active,
turbulent aurora. It was like measuring
the weather during a particularly stormy
“We got great results, but what we want
to understand for this flight is the
‘average case,’” Bounds said. Andøya is
located much closer to Earth’s magnetic
north pole, meaning milder, more typical
auroras that don’t spread as far south
are more accessible.
If all goes as planned, ACES II will
help scientists model the auroral
current as a whole, including its
trickiest part: our ionosphere.
“This is just a single case – it doesn't
answer all questions,” Bounds said. “But
it gets us a data point we need.”